What can they do for Dragon Ball FighterZ 2?

It is believed Lab Coat 21 will be the last character for FighterZ and Bandai Namco will just keep supporting the game through community events. However, with how successful the game was, they will be definitely want to follow it up and since Street Fighter VI was recently announced, what better time is there to compete?

Now here’s what I think can be done…

Improved Combat

Changes and additions will made including no autocorrect on autocombos, defensive vanishes that cost 3 ki gauges, reduced tracking on superdash, and team-specific moves.

Returning characters will receive new moves like Krillin’s 100x Solar Flare and Tien’s Multi-Form technique. Some characters even have moveset overhauls.

Improved Single-Player Experience

Story Mode will pick up where the last game left off but Story Mode will be less grindy and have more challenging battles. There are also some alternating paths.

Arcade Mode is revamped as the difficulty curve is now based on the AI actually playing better rather than having beefed up stats. Each character have their own mini-storylines.

New game modes will be available like Survival (select one character and fight an endless amount of opponents until you are K.O.’d), Challenges (win a fight under specific conditions), and Gallery (play movies, music, and look at artwork).

Better Netcode

This is an obvious one. FighterZ uses delay-based netcode which is faulty and now outdated. The producer addressed this and stresses that it will be a pain to implement rollback into the existing game so a sequel will be a perfect opportunity to do so.

Bigger Roster

Fighting games sequels nowadays tend to make big cuts with their rosters but FighterZ being Dragon Ball at heart will keep most of the characters for the sequel and add a couple new ones.

Here’s who’ll probably return…

Goku (Super Saiyan)

Goku (SSGSS)

Goku (Ultra Instinct)

Gohan (Teen)

Gohan (Adult)

Vegeta (Super Saiyan)

Vegeta (SSGSS)






Master Roshi



Majin Buu


Vegito (SSGSS)

Gogeta (SSGSS)


Captain Ginyu




Kid Buu



Goku Black

Zamasu (Fused)


Broly (DBS)

21 (Lab Coat)


Now for new characters…

Pan (DBS)

The 1/4 Saiyan daughter of Gohan and Videl. She’s small but powerful.


Goku’s older brother. A crafty fighter who uses feints and counters to deceive the opponent. He can also shoot two beams in different directions.


The king of the demon world. He can materialize swords and spears out of thin air, and he can turn opponents into stone with his saliva. He can also unleash flame from his breath.


The leader of the Pride Troopers. A speedy grappler with great reach and hidden destructive god powers.


The female Saiyan fighting prodigy. She’s fast, aggressive, and is aided by her protégé Kale who is meek but super-powerful.

Ganma 1 & 2

The tag-team fighting androids. They fight in unison with each other.

Along with new characters, there will be alternate costumes like battle-damaged Goku (Super Saiyan), Whis Gi Goku (SSGSS), Armorless Vegeta (Super Saiyan), and Super Hero Gohan (Adult).

New Stages

New stages will include the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Tournament of Power, Glacier, and evening and night versions of certain stages.